News Articles
City Council votes unanimously to deny Rezoning Application
Posted on Jan 13th, 2012
Three bus loads of Richmond Place and West Meadows residents packed not only Council Chambers but also the first and second floors of the City Hall. The security guard stated that it was the biggest crowd that he had ever seen for a hearing.
The West Meadows presentation began with an introduction by West Meadows HOA President Brad van Rooyen and continued with a traffic expert Randy Coen, West Meadows Counsel Gina Grimes, an expert on charter schools Ruth Hall from The Landings, CDD President Geraldine Myers, former City Council Member Frank Caetano, Florida State Representative and former City Councilman Shawn Harrison, Richmond Place President Marcel White, a very stunning presentation from Richmond Place mother Jane Thompson and an excellent presentation from a school principal Rhonda McMahon also a West Meadows resident. In his summation, cousel for the Applicant accused us of "throwing everything against the wall". He was probably correct but he failed to mention that everything that was thrown against the wall apparently found its mark and stuck.
Many thanks to everyone in the community who came to the hearing and sat for hours while this issue was decided. We know that it was a long night but in the end it was well worth it. Without the efforts of the community we would not have been successful in defeating this zoning issue.
Many thanks to everyone in the community who came to the hearing and sat for hours while this issue was decided. We know that it was a long night but in the end it was well worth it. Without the efforts of the community we would not have been successful in defeating this zoning issue.
We will keep you informed of any further developments related to this issue. Please let your neighbors know of this news and thanks again.
Richmond Place Property Owners, Inc.
Richmond Place Property Owners, Inc.
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