News Articles
Safety Tips to Protect Against Holiday Crime
Posted on Nov 23rd, 2010
Stay alert.
- Keep your mind on your surroundings, who’s in front of you and who’s behind you. Don’t get distracted.
- Walk purposefully, stand tall, and make eye contact with people around you.
- TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. If you feel uncomfortable, leave.
Personal Protection
- Make yourself a "tough target."
- Don’t think that it can’t happen to you.
- Should you resist? Every situation is different.
- Always be aware of your surroundings.
- If being followed call 911 or drive to a police station.
If You’re Attacked
- Keep your head. Stay as calm as possible and evaluate your options and resources.
- It may be more advisable to submit than to resist and risk severe injury or death. You will have to make this decision based on the circumstances. But, don’t resist if the attacker has a weapon.
- Keep assessing the situation as it is happening. If one strategy doesn’t work, try another. Possible options include negotiating, stalling for time, distracting the assailant and fleeing to a safe place, verbal assertiveness, screaming, and physical resistance.
- You may be able to turn the attacker off with unusual behavior such as throwing up, acting crazy, or stating you have a sexually transmitted disease.
While Driving
- Keep the car maintained and have at least a half tank of gas in the car in case of emergencies.
- Park in well-lighted areas and lock your doors, no matter how long you’ll be gone.
- Put valuables out of sight or in the trunk.
- Check all seats and floorboards before entering your car.
- Drive with all doors locked and windows rolled up.
- Never pick up hitchhikers.
- If your car breaks down, put the hood up, lock the doors, turn on the flashers, and move to the passenger seat. Do not leave your car. If someone stops, roll down the window slightly and ask them to call the police or a tow truck.
- Avoid underground or enclosed parking garages if possible.
- When parking or returning to your vehicle, carry your keys and be aware of your surroundings.
- Carry a cellphone and keep it charged.
Public Transportation
- Try to use well-lit and frequently used stops.
- Try to sit near the driver or conductor.
- Avoid sitting near exits. An attacker can reach in and grab a purse or jewelry as the bus or subway pulls away.
- Be alert to who gets off with you. If you feel uncomfortable, find a place where there are other people.
In Elevators
- Look in the elevator before getting in.
- Get off if someone suspicious enters. If you’re worried about someone who is waiting for the elevator with you, pretend you forgot something and don’t get on.
- If attacked, hit the alarm and as many floors as possible.
Home and Neighborhood
- Good locks, simple precautions, neighborhood awareness, and common sense can help prevent most property crimes.
- Install and use good deadbolt locks in your doors (half burglars enter through unlocked doors and windows).
- Secure sliding glass doors with locks or a rigid wooden dowel wedged in the track.
- Lock double-hung windows by sliding a bolt or nail into a hole drilled at a downward angle through the top of each sash and into the frame.
- Trim back shrubbery hiding doors or windows. Cut back tree limbs that could help a thief climb to the second story.
- Make sure all entrances and yards are well lit.
- Maintain the neighborhood. Dark alleys, litter, and rundown areas attract criminals.
- Do not hide house keys in mail boxes, planters, under doormats or in other easy to find places.
- Do not put personal identification on key rings.
- Leave only your ignition key with mechanics or parking attendants, keeping other keys safe.
- Install a peephole or viewer in all entry doors so you can see who is outside without opening the door.
- Do not trust door chains. They can be easily broken.
- Don’t open the door to strangers. Insist service personnel verify their identity before letting them in.
- Don’t give any information to "wrong number" callers.
- Check references of any person calling about a survey or credit check before offering information.
- Hang up immediately on threatening or harassing calls.
- Make your home appear occupied when you go out.
- Leave lights on and the radio playing.
- Keep your garage door closed and locked.
- Use timing devices to turn inside lights on and off.
- If you will be gone several days, arrange to have the mail and papers stopped or picked up. Many burglaries occur during the day when neighbors could report the thieves.
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