News Articles
Latest round of Bay area water restrictions start today
Posted on Dec 26th, 2013
Lawn Watering Schedule and Times
Lawn watering is limited to a once-per-week schedule through March 1, 2014. Lawn watering will return to a twice-per-week schedule unless the District’s Governing Board takes further action. The following is a schedule and summary of the restrictions unless your city or county has a different once-per-week schedule or more stringent restrictions.
Addresses with “house numbers” may only irrigate on …
Ending in 0 or 1 - Monday
Ending in 2 or 3 - Tuesday
Ending in 4 or 5 - Wednesday
Ending in 6 or 7 - Thursday
Ending in 8 or 9 - Friday
No address (community common areas, etc.) - Friday
Allowable watering hours are before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Properties less than one acre in size or with fewer than 11 zones can use only one of the watering times.
Landscape Watering Schedule and Times
Handwatering and micro-irrigation of plants (other than lawns) can be done on any day at any time, if needed.
New Lawns & Plants
New lawns and plants have a 60-day establishment period. On days 1-30, they may be watered any day of the week. During days 31-60, they may be watered approximately every other day. Even-numbered addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Odd-numbered addresses may be watered on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Reclaimed Water
Reclaimed water remains subject to voluntary watering hours, unless blended with another water source or restricted by the local government or utility.
Other Water Uses
The lawn and landscape of agricultural operations, commercial establishments and industrial facilities are subject to the lawn and landscape restrictions listed in the Water Shortage Order.
Sprinkler-like devices used on a lawn for recreational purposes shall be limited to the lawn and landscape restrictions.
Deed Restrictions & Community Standards Enforcement
Homeowners associations and other entities must suspend any requirement to replace lawns or engage in other activity which increases water use during this water shortage declaration.
Lawn watering is limited to a once-per-week schedule through March 1, 2014. Lawn watering will return to a twice-per-week schedule unless the District’s Governing Board takes further action. The following is a schedule and summary of the restrictions unless your city or county has a different once-per-week schedule or more stringent restrictions.
Addresses with “house numbers” may only irrigate on …
Ending in 0 or 1 - Monday
Ending in 2 or 3 - Tuesday
Ending in 4 or 5 - Wednesday
Ending in 6 or 7 - Thursday
Ending in 8 or 9 - Friday
No address (community common areas, etc.) - Friday
Allowable watering hours are before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Properties less than one acre in size or with fewer than 11 zones can use only one of the watering times.
Landscape Watering Schedule and Times
Handwatering and micro-irrigation of plants (other than lawns) can be done on any day at any time, if needed.
New Lawns & Plants
New lawns and plants have a 60-day establishment period. On days 1-30, they may be watered any day of the week. During days 31-60, they may be watered approximately every other day. Even-numbered addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Odd-numbered addresses may be watered on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Reclaimed Water
Reclaimed water remains subject to voluntary watering hours, unless blended with another water source or restricted by the local government or utility.
Other Water Uses
The lawn and landscape of agricultural operations, commercial establishments and industrial facilities are subject to the lawn and landscape restrictions listed in the Water Shortage Order.
Sprinkler-like devices used on a lawn for recreational purposes shall be limited to the lawn and landscape restrictions.
Deed Restrictions & Community Standards Enforcement
Homeowners associations and other entities must suspend any requirement to replace lawns or engage in other activity which increases water use during this water shortage declaration.
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