News Articles
City of Tampa Emergency Water Restrcitions
Posted on Mar 19th, 2009
Hand watering only of turf will be allowed one day per week.
• Even numbered addresses Tuesdays
• Odd numbered addresses Sundays.
Hand watering of non-turf and micro-irrigation is allowed any day, after 6 PM and before 8 AM. New turf and new plantings may be hand watered on the normal establishing schedule, subject to the time restrictions of after 6 PM and before 8 AM. For questions regarding the new restrictions or additional information, residents should contact the Water Department’s Conservation Section at (813) 274-8121.
What about Deed Restriction Violations?
The POA Board and Architectural Review Committee will suspend violation notices for browning lawns during the Emergency Outdoor Irrigation Ban. You must, however, continue to trim and weed the landscaping on your property as neat as possible – violations notices will continue to be sent for unsightly/unkempt lawns. All other Deed Restrictions remain in place.
What Can You Do?
√ Turn off your irrigation timer!
√ Hand water where you can
√ Increase mulch around your plants
√ Turn off aesthetic pool fountains
√ Check your home for leaks or running water closets.
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