News Articles
Safety Tat-Don’t Leave Home Without Them
Posted on Mar 12th, 2013
As parents we all know how it literally takes a second for a child to disappear from site.
As we get ready to welcome summer families all over will be going on summer vacations to the beach, theme parks, water parks and a million other places. We hear over and over again about parents who embark on a day out, worry what will happen if their child(ren) gets lost, and write their cell number on the child(ren’s) arm.
One Parent, Michele Welsh, herself did this with one summer on a visit to a theme park with her three boys. She explained to her 3 boys to stay with mommy and daddy, but if they did get separated to show the numbers to an adult. Throughout the day she constantly had to rewrite the numbers because between between water, sweat and sunblock they kept getting wiped off. That day inspired her to create Safety Tat-and for that every parent throughout the world should be grateful!
Safety Tat has many different options for tattoos for your children-from traditional ones to peel and stick. There are options for just one cell number, multiple numbers, names of the parents, plus allergies and other pertinent emergency information.
Several parents in the park stopped her to ask if that was her number on the kids' arms. Each time, they loved the idea.
The day was a success and the idea for SafetyTat temporary child id tattoos was born. Learn more about SafetyTat
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