News Articles
Florida-Friendly Landscaping
Posted on Apr 25th, 2011
Recognizing that the home landscape is part of a larger natural system will help in creating a Florida-friendly yard.
The University of Florida’s Florida Yards & Neighborhoods (FYN) Program provides science-based education to the public on how to create a Florida-friendly yard. The Southwest Florida Water Management District partners with the university to provide the education outreach by supporting FYN programs through county Extension offices in 11 of its 16 counties.
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ can be considered an expansion of Xeriscape. A Florida-friendly yard goes beyond Xeriscape, which was started in Colorado, to better fit our unique geography. It includes best management practices concerning stormwater runoff and living on a waterfront.
A properly maintained Florida-friendly yard can help homeowners conserve water and reduce pollution of water resources. The Florida-friendly approach to landscaping emphasizes nine interrelated principles.
The nine principles
- Right plant, right place - Plants selected to suit a specific site will require minimal amounts of water, fertilizers and pesticides.
- Water efficiently - Irrigate only when your lawn needs water. Efficient watering is the key to a healthy Florida yard and conservation of limited resources.
- Fertilize appropriately - Less is often best. Overuse of fertilizers can be hazardous to your yard and the environment.
- Mulch - Maintaining a 3-inch layer of mulch will help retain soil moisture, prevent erosion and suppress weeds.
- Attract wildlife - Plants in your yard that provide food, water and shelter will attract Florida’s diverse wildlife.
- Manage yard pests responsibly - Unwise use of pesticides can harm people, pets, beneficial organisms and the environment.
- Recycle - Grass clippings and leaves provide nutrients to the soil and reduce waste disposal when reused on the landscape.
- Reduce stormwater runoff - Water running off your landscape can carry pollutants such as soil, debris, fertilizer, gasoline and pesticides that can adversely impact water quality. Reduction of this runoff will help prevent nonpoint-source pollution.
- Protect the waterfront - Waterfront property, whether on a river, stream, pond, bay or beach, is very fragile and should be carefully protected to maintain freshwater and marine ecosystems.
Learn more about Florida Friendly Landscaping at: Hillsborough County Extension Services
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