News Articles
Area Road Construction
Posted on Aug 15th, 2011
At this time we are not aware of any significant changes other than normal construction.
We are providing this as Courtesy to our Homeowners and Residents and is subject to change without notice. As always, any disruption in traffic patterns will most likely cause confusion – please use caution when traveling in the area during this construction.
For more information please visit the Hillsborough County Major Community Projects website. This includes links to"
Traffic Signal & Pedestrian Crossing at BBD & Richmond Place
For all of us concerned about the access in, out and across Bruce B. Downs Blvd. at Richmond Place Drive/Flatwoods Park, there will be a traffic signal including pedestrian safety markings planned for the intersection. The project is a huge undertaking, so please be patient and continue to show courtesy entering and exiting our community during this beautification period.
U-turn on Bruce B Downs Blvd. and Richmond Place Drive
We have been advised this cannot be done. It is necessary to have a few intersections where U-turns can be made and there’s a designated left turn lane from Bruce B. downs Blvd onto Richmond Dr. that provides adequate room to allow for U-turns. It was also noted there have not been any accident history at this intersection, so there is no reason at this time to consider a no U-turn study. It was also noted that once construction is completed, a traffic light will be installed at the intersection.